
6th generation family farmer & scientist, Allen Williams, breaks down the urgency of protecting and restoring soil health in this riveting TEDxBoston talk


Did you know that modern conventional agricultural techniques rely on expensive and often dangerous synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides and pesticides — not only harming the soil but reducing nutrition. And worse yet, these chemicals are also linked to diseases like cancer and ALS.

Williams created Regenified – an organization that certifies regeneratively grown food. At you can find certified farms, ranches and products!

As founding partner of Grass Fed Insights LLC, Understanding Ag, LLC, and the Soil Health Academy, Williams works as a consultant to farmers and ranchers globally – including Turner Ranches to expand regenerative agricultural principles.

What does healthy soil do?

  • Major drawdown of carbon (CO2) — creating carbon sinks
  • Healthy grasslands sequester more than 20 times the carbon than trees in forests
  • When forests burn, they release carbon – but when grasslands burn, the soil and root systems of intact grasslands store carbon — and also stimulates new growth and seed production
  • Holds more water
  • Reduces flooding risk and irrigation needs
  • Supports more diverse vegetation and restores ecosystems where more biodiversity can take hold
  • Attracts pollinators and creates havens for native bird populations
  • Increases nutrient density of the food it produces, at far less cost than conventional farming practices

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