Legendary eco-activists Jane Fonda and Sylvia Earle, along with Phillipe Cousteau, Julian Lennon, and other conservationists speak out against the destructive new industry of Deep Seabed Mining.
Do your part. Share this video and help raise awareness.
A healthy deep-sea makes life on Earth possible.
Science warns that deep-sea mining will cause irreversible damage to an ecosystem largely undisturbed since its creation.
Join The Oxygen Project and the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition in calling for a moratorium on Deep Seabed Mining so the ocean and humanity can thrive for generations to come.
We don’t need it. We don’t want it. It isn’t worth the risk.

I’m excited to share with you that The Oxygen Project’s Deep Seabed Mining Campaign is now LIVE!
I am so proud of my daughter, Vasser Seydel, working with The Oxygen Project to bring awareness to the deep seabed mining issue.
Legendary oceanographer, Dr. Sylvia Earle, likened Deep Seabed Mining to clearcutting, but on the ocean floor.
We can – AND MUST – do all we can to prevent such catastrophic and indiscriminate damage from ever taking place.

“Six Things You Can Do Right Now to Help Stop Deep Seabed Mining”
Vasser Seydel lists six simple ways everyone can make a difference in the fight against a destructive new industry championed by careless corporations in this latest blog post from The Oxygen Project

“Out of Our Depth: Deep Seabed Mining is Not the Answer to the Climate Crisis”
This superb post from Fauna&Flora International seeks to bust the myth that Deep Seabed Mining is a plausible alternative to conventional terrestrial mining, and calls for an immediate global moratorium on the industry.
Read the full article and arm yourself with talking points »

“Deep seabed mining: A rising environmental challenge”
This comprehensive report from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) examines the evidence surrounding the environmental impact and identifies the consequences of such an invasive operation.

“The risks and impacts of deep-seabed mining to marine ecosystems”
This year Fauna&Flora International (FFI) released their report on the impacts of Deep Seabed Mining. In the words of FFI Vice-president Sir David Attenborough, “The rush to mine this pristine and unexplored environment risks creating terrible impacts that cannot be reversed. We need to be guided by science when faced with decisions of such great environmental consequence.”
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